Maratis Features
From MaratisWiki
Revision as of 14:48, 7 February 2014 by Dahnielson (Talk | contribs)
Main features
- Editor based environment
- Light and powerful Engine (MCore + MEngine), portable, both previous and next generation (fixed pipeline and shader based pipeline)
- Per pixel lightning, custom shaders (GLSL), normal map, dynamic shadows, animated meshes...
- Blender exporter, native mesh format with animation (materials, textures, shaders, armatures)
- 3d formats import through Assimp (Collada, OBJ, MD3...)
- Multilayered uvMaps (custom multitexture, baked light map, etc)
- Bullet physics, 3D sound, font system (can load TTF)
- Standard image and sound format (TGA, JPG, PNG, WAV, AIF, OGG…)
- Lua scripting language
- C++ SDK
- Simple and intuitive editor, what you see is what you get
- Plugin system
- Scene and objects edition
- Undo / Redo system
- Play testing (play the game inside the editor)
- Very powerful Behavior System
- Automatic assets updating (for meshes, textures, shaders, sounds, etc)
- Automatic Packaging and publishing (using npk)
- Simple and clear C++ code, portable
- Used as the main SDK
- Virtual contexts and loaders (graphics, sounds, file formats)
- Virtual renderer system (fixed pipeline, shader based, custom)
- Data managment (Static and Dynamic)
- Virtual Game class System (to focuse on game code or to cutomize the game pipeline)
- Support embedded systems (OpenglES, iOS...)
- and more...