Getting started

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See Installing Maratis SDK. Once Maratis is installed, you can associate Maratis project file (.mproj) with Maratis.exe (on Windows).


A game in Maratis consist of one or more levels with one or more scenes. A scene contain objects such as cameras, entities, lights, sounds and texts. Each object have a transform and a number of properties (depending on the type). It is also possible to add one or more behavior to each object. Each scene can also have one script file associated with it.

The levels are created using the editor.

The scripts are written in Lua and the script function onSceneUpdate will be called on each update in the game loop, letting the script manipulate the objects in the scene.

The behaviors are implemented using the C++ SDK and compiled into a shared game library ("game plugin") that the engine loads.


Here’s a general description of Maratis:


How to navigate in the view:

  • Object selection: Left click (hold Ctrl for multiple selection)
  • Turn around: Middle mouse button + mouse move
  • Zoom: Mouse wheel
  • Pan: Ctrl + Middle mouse button + mouse move

You can start by opening an example project: File > Load project > Examples/Demos/Demos.mproj


This is what the Edit pannel looks like when the camera is selected:


On top are 3 tabs: Transform, Properties and Behaviors.

  • Transform tab only edit object position, rotation and scale.
  • Properties tab edit object properties (depend on object type).
  • Behaviors tab allow you to manage object behaviors, in this example, the camera include a "LookAt" behavior and a "Follow" behavior.


A project is always loading a start level, in the previous example it is Jules.level. You can load the other levels of the project by doing File > Load level. Create a new project: File > New project.

The best way is to create or to select an empty directory, wich will become your project directory. When this is done, Maratis is automatically creating the project file (.mproj) and the main data directories:


This is where you should copy your production files (you can create sub folders).

    fonts/		Fonts
    levels/		Levels
    maps/		Textures
    meshs/		Object meshes
    scripts/		Lua scripts
    shaders/		Custom shaders
    sounds/		Sounds
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