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Clone an object.

  • Some notes about clones :
    • They keeps the base object active behavior
    • They keeps physics proprieties
    • They don't keep the translate/force/etc.. values of the base object from lua script (because they are new objects)

  • Warning : Spawning a lot of clones in a very short time may cause slow-down, because :
    • memory allocation : each cloning allocate new memory, fast games (like a shoot'em'up) usually pre-allocate memory.
    • when using physics, the new object need to be also allocated to the physics world
    • when using sound, the source need to be also allocated to the sound context

Basic usage :

   object = getObject("object")
   objectClone = getClone(object)

For referencing you can store them into a table :

   object = getObject("object")
   cloneList = {}
   function onSceneUpdate()
           if onKeyDown("SPACE") then
               table.insert(cloneList, #cloneList + 1, getClone(object)) -- create a clone

With that method, the first clone will be cloneList[1], second clone will be cloneList[2], and so on..

To manage all these clones at once you could add to the script, for example :

   for i=1, #cloneList do 
       rotate(cloneList[i], {0, 0, 1}, 1, "local")

In this case all the clones currently on the scene and the newly created ones will rotate.

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