Building Maratis for Windows

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Download and Install the necessary softwares:

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio Express
  2. TortoiseSVN
  3. Python 2 (you need the 2x version. In the installation also check to add the path dir)
  4. Scons

Download Maratis source code using TortoiseSVN:

  1. Create a new folder - name it "MaratisSVN".
  2. Right clic - select SvnCheckout.
  3. Paste the link in repository - "" then click ok.
  4. Wait for the files to download.


  1. Go to start menu, type "cmd" to open the command prompt.
  2. In the cmd, go to the MaratisSVN folder. For example : type "cd D:\Maratis_SVN\trunk\dev".
  3. Type "" and enter. It will start compiling.
  4. If the build is successful, the final binaries will be installed in trunk\dev\prod

Done! Have fun!

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